JAC Class 11 English Weekly Test 2024

JAC Class 11 English Weekly Test 2024 – आज हम लोग इस आर्टिकल में Class 11th Economics Weekly Test का VVI Question को देखने वाले हैं l जिसे आप नीचे आसानी से पढ़ सकते हैं और Exam में तहलका मचा सकते हैं l 

JAC Class 11 English Weekly Test 2024
JAC Class 11 English Weekly Test 2024


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JAC Class 11 English Weekly Test 2024 

Sec B (2×2=4) Very Short Question

11. What question does the poet ask again and again in this poem?

Ans. In this poem the poet is really confused. He asks the question again and again ‘when did my childhood go?

12. What is the poet’s feeling towards childhood?

Ans. The poet does not appear to feel sad or upset at the loss of his childhood. He only seems to be puzzled at the disappearance of childhood and the arrival of adulthood. He expresses his confusion when he asks the questions ‘When’ and ‘Where did my childhood go’?

Sec C (2×3=6) Short Question

13. How did adults seem to be for the poet when he was a child?

Ans. As a child, the poet considered all the adults as an epitome of love and sincerity. He believed that their love was true and they were ready to do anything for their loved ones.

14. What did the poet remark about the importance of independent thinking?

Ans. The poet finds out that he was no more a child as he could think independently. He could have his own opinions without getting influenced by anyone else. This discovery was very important to him as it revealed to him his abilities for independent thinking and decision taking

Sec D (2×5=10) Long Question

15. Why is the poet nostalgic about his childhood? Does he feel the loss of his childhood as a great loss?

Ans. The poet grows nostalgic about his childhood when he became 11. He felt that his childhood is lost. Childhood means innocence and loss of it means, the loss of innocence. The poet suffers from a sense of loss and speculates on how and when he suffered that loss. At that stage he became mature and adult to have his own thoughts without being influenced by anyone.

16. Why is the age of 11 so important for the poet?

Ans. At the age of 11 the poet was able to differentiate between fact and fiction, truth and imaginary realisation. The Hell and Heaven are merely imaginary concepts of our mind. They don’t exist in the world or in a geographical map. At this age he attains maturity and steps towards rational thinking.

17. Has the poet got an answer to the question” where did my childhood go”?

Ans. It seems that the poet has got his answer. He realises that his childhood is lying hidden in an infant’s innocent face and has been deliberately forgotten. His lost childhood is lying hidden somewhere in the innocence which is present only in an infant’s face

JAC Class 11 English Weekly Test 2024

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