JAC Class 12 English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

JAC Class 12 English Core Weekly Test Question Paper – आज हम लोग इस आर्टिकल में Class 12th English Weekly Test का VVI Question को देखने वाले हैं l जिसे आप नीचे आसानी से पढ़ सकते हैं और Exam में तहलका मचा सकते हैं l 

JAC Class 12 English Core Weekly Test Question Paper
JAC Class 12 English Core Weekly Test Question Paper


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🏠Weekly Test Exam Date 24 August  2024
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JAC Class 12 English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

Sec B (2×2=4) Very Short Question

11. What did the infant born just ten days ago tell the wise astrologers?

Ans. The infant said that all those who are bom will one day have to die. So he did not need their predictions to know that. He further said that there would be some sense in it if they could tell him the manner of his death.

12. Why did the Maharaja order the dewan to double the land tax?

Ans. Maharaja went out on an expedition to find the hundredth tiger. The tiger could not be found. That is why in anger he ordered the dewan to double the land tax.

Sec C (2×3=6) Short Question

13. How did the Maharaja succeed in raising his tiger tally to ninety-nine?

Ans. The Maharaja married a girl from a state which possessed a large number of tigers. Each time he visited his father-in-law, he killed five or six tigers. In this manner he raised the tally of tigers killed by him from seventy to ninety-nine.

14.Why was the Maharaja so anxious to kill the hundredth tiger?

Ans. The Maharaja had killed ninety-nine tigers. If he could kill just one more tiger, he would have no fear left. Then he could give up tiger hunting altogether. He thought of the tiger during the day and dreamt of it at night. Moreover, he had to be extremely careful with that last tiger. The late chifef astrologer had already warned him.

Sec D (2×5=10) Long Question

15. Who is the tiger king? Why does he get that name?

Ans-The Maharaja of Pratibandpuram was called the Tiger King. He is also identified as his highness Jamedar- General, Khiledar Major and Sir Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur. At the time of his birth, The astrologer declared that the prince would have to die one day. The ten days old Prince asked the astrologers to reveal the manner of his death. The chief astrologer said that his death would come from a tiger. The young Prince replied’ Let tigers beware!’ he resoluted to kill one hundred tigers. Thus, he got the name “tiger king”.

16. How will the Maharaja prepare himself for the hundredth tiger which was supposed to decide his fate?

Ans-The Maharaja would we extremely careful while dealing with the hundredth tiger which was supposed to be the reason for his death. On encountering the hundredth one, He will take a careful aim at the tiger and will shoot it. When it falls in a crumpled heap, he would be filled with joy and will leave the place hastily.

JAC Class 12 English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

JAC Class 12 English Core Weekly Test Question Paper


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