JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper – आज हम लोग इस आर्टिकल में Class 11th English Core Weekly Test का VVI Question को देखने वाले हैं l जिसे आप नीचे आसानी से पढ़ सकते हैं और Exam में तहलका मचा सकते हैं l
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper
Class 11th English core Weekly Test
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper
Sec – A (2*10=20) (Objective Question)
1. Whom did the Professor meet at the Hospital?
(a) Speaker
(b) Doctor
(c) Rajendra
(d) Khan Sahib
Ans B
2. For how many days did the professor live in the alternative world?
(a) one day
(b) two days
(c) three days
(d) a week
Ans B
3. Why did Professor Rajendra say that the incidents narrated by Gaitonde were not real?
(a) as his leg was broken
(b) as he was not well
(c) as he was in coma for two days
(d) as he has severe disease
Ans C
4. Where did Professor Gaitonde and Khan Sahib got off?
(a) Mumbai Central Railway Station.
(b) Pune
(c) Delhi
(d) Victoria Terminus station
Ans D
5. What happened after the Battle of Panipat in India?
(a) India merged with neighbouring nations
(b) India moved to the path of democracy
(c) British Rule came
(d) Portuguese rule ended
Ans B
6. What did the Professor notice at the Hornby road?
(a) shops were different
(b) drainage work was completed
(c) shopping complex were destroyed
(d) residential buildings were mad
Ans A
7. What is the name of the protagonist of the story ‘The Adventure’?
(a) Professor Ramkant Sharma
(b) Professor Gangadharpant Gaitonde
(c) Professor Shashidhar Gaitonde
(d) Professor Ramprasad Verma
Ans B
8. Why did the professor go to town hall?
(a) to play snooker
(b) to check facts from history books
(c) to buy books
(d) to meet someone
Ans B
9. What happened after the empty chair incident?
(a) he was in the hospital
(b) he went to zoo
(c) he went to library
(d) he decided to go to his room
Ans A
10. Whom did Professor Gaitonde enquire about on entering the Forbes building?
(a) Mr. Praveen Gaitonde
(b)Mr. Vinay Gaitonde
(c)Mr. Gaurav Gaitonde
(d)Mr. Rahul Gaitonde
Ans B
Sec – B (2*2=4) (Very Short Answer Question)
11. In which train did the professor travel?
Ans: The professor took the Jijamata Express between Pune and Bombay.
12. Who was Khan-Sahib?
Ans: Khan-Sahib was a fellow traveler on the professor’s train ride to Bombay.
Sec – C (2*3=6) (Short Answer Question)
13. Why did professor Gangadhar go inside the Forbes building?
Ans: The professor entered the Forbes building to meet with his son Vinaya. He was astounded to see that his son’s name was neither on the phone list or in the personnel directory. He had not expected his son’s existence to be so hazy.
14. Who was Professor Gaitonde? What did he plan in Bombay?
Ans: Professor Gaitonde, also known as Gangadharpant, was a historian who published five books on the subject.
His investigation was ongoing. Meanwhile, on his way to Bombay, he decided to visit a large library and peruse historical books to learn about the current condition of events.
Sec – D (2*5=10) (Long Answer Question)
15. What things were the professor looked for in the history books?
Ans: The professor was interested in learning how the Marathas won the Battle of Panipat. He discovered a hint to his answer in the historical books known as Bakhars. The explanation stated that Vishwarao narrowly avoided being hit by a bullet, which motivated the Maratha Army to battle fearlessly.
16. What was the reason behind the professor canceling his thousandth address?
Ans: The professor informed the Panipat seminar organizers that he would be unable to meet his pledge due to an incident at the Azad Maidan in which the mob refused to listen to him and threw eggs and tomatoes at him.
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper
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JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper