JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper – आज हम लोग इस आर्टिकल में Class 12th English Core Weekly Test का VVI Question को देखने वाले हैं l जिसे आप नीचे आसानी से पढ़ सकते हैं और Exam में तहलका मचा सकते हैं l

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

Class 12th English core Weekly Test 

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

Sec – A (2*10=20) (Objective Question)

1. Who is Mr Lamb?

(a) Old man with one artificial leg

(b) Derry’s grandfather

(c) Derry’s neighbor

(d) Gardener

Ans – A

2. The gate to Mr Lamb’s house is

(a) always shut

(b) heavily guarded

(c) barricaded

(d) always open

Ans – D

3. What ate Derry’s face away?

(a) Acid

(b) Disease

(c) An accident

(d) Mites

Ans – A

4. How old is Derry?

(a) 13

(b) 14

(c) 15

(d) 16

Ans – 14

5. Why did Derry enter Mr Lamb’s garden?

(a) He wanted to see the flowers

(b) He wanted to see the bees

(c) He wanted to steal crabapples

(d) Out of curiosity

Ans – D

6. Where was Mr. Lamb’s house?

(a) on a tree

(b) on the road

(c) in a street

(d) inside the garden

Ans – D

7. What did Mr. Lamb tell about himself?

(a) he had a tin leg

(b) Still he was happy

(c) he never mind even if children teased him

(d) All of these

Ans – D

8. What draws Derry towards Lamb?

(a) his appearance

(b) his grief.

(c) his positive outlook

(d) All of these

Ans – C

9. What was one leg of the Mr Lamb made of?

(a) Plastic

(b) Steel

(c) Tin

(d) Thermopolis

Ans – C

10. By what name did the children tease Mr Lamb?

(a) Lamb Lamb

(b) Lamey Lamb

(c) Lost Lamb

(d) Lame Lamb

Ans – B

Sec-B (2*2=4) (Very Short Answer Question)

11. How does Mr Lamb react when Derry enters his garden?

Ans- Mr Lamb welcomes Derry in his garden. He only asks
him to mind crab apples lest he should trip. When Derry wants to run away from there Mr Lamb says that he need not to go. Everyone is welcomed to come in his garden.

12. What does Derry hear people talking down the downstairs?

Ans- He hears people talking about him and saying, “What will he ever do? What is going to happen to him when we are gone? How will he get on in this world with that face?”

Sec – C (2*3=6) (Short Answer Question)

13. Why had Derry come to the garden?

Ans- Derry had thought it was an empty place and no one lived there. He wanted to see what kind of place it was. He had no mind to steal any apple.

14. What peculiar things does Derry notice about the old man, Lamb?

Ans – Mr Lamb is retired from the army. He leaves his doors always open. Everybody is welcomed in his garden. There are no curtains on his windows. These are the quite peculiar things for Derry.

Sec – D (2*5=10) (Long Answer Question)

15. How does Mr Lamb try to remove the baseless fears of Derry?

Ans – Mr Lamb tells Derry that he, like others, has two eyes, two ears, two legs, two arms, brain and a tongue. He can do or achieve whatever he likes. In this way Mr Lamb tries to remove baseless fears of Derry.

16. Who is Mr Lamb? How does Derry get into his garden?

Ans. Mr.Lamb is an old man. He lives in a big house and has garden of his own. He has a tin leg. One of his legs was blown off in the war. Derry enters Mr. Lamb’s garden by climbing the wall. He does not come there to steal the apples like other children but out of sheer curiosity.

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

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दोस्तों आज की इस आर्टिकल में, मैं आप सभी को English Core वीकली टेस्ट के लिए बहुत ही मोस्ट इंर्पोटेंट क्वेश्चंस को सॉल्व करके दिया हूं I जिससे आप Exam में तहलका मचा सकते हैं I अगर आज का यह आर्टिकल अच्छा लगा तो अपने दोस्तों के साथ इस आर्टिकल को जरुर शेयर करें और नीचे कमेंट करके बताएं कि और आपको क्या चाहिए I

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

JAC Board Class 12th English Core Weekly Test Question Paper

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