JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Answer Key 14 December – दोस्तों आज की इस आर्टिकल में हम लोग JCERT के द्वारा जो आपका वीकली टेस्ट चल रहा है I इसका Answer Key को आज की इस आर्टिकल में हम लोग देखने वाले हैं I जिसे आप नीचे आसानी से देख और पढ़ सकते हैं I
Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Answer Key 14 December
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Answer Key 14 December
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Answer Key 14 December
SECTION-A (2 × 10 = 20)
1. Where did professor Gaitonde and Khan Sahib get off?
(a) Mumbai Central Railway station
(b) Pune
(c) Delhi
(d) Victoria Terminus Station
Ans – D
2. Which theory as explained by Rajendra states that a small change in any situation can result in a shift in behaviour?
(a) Quantum theory
(b) Theory of Relativity
(c) Big Bang Theory
(d) Catastrophe theory
Ans – D
3. “Buck teeth and half-witted…..” – who has been described here?
(a) Cyril Pearson
(b) George Pearson
(c) Charlie Spence
(d) Mrs Fitzgerald
Ans – C
4. Who is the writer of the play “Mother’ Day”?
(a) A.J. Cornin
(b) William Wordsworth
(c) Patrick Pringle
(d) J.B. Priestley
Ans – D
5. Who gave the protagonist a fare-well gift?
(a) Norlou
(b) Cetan
(c) Lhamo
(d) None of them
Ans – C
6. What is Kora?
(a) Dance
(b) Name of a small town
(c) Meditation performed by Buddhist believers
(d) None of these
Ans – C
7. Which tense is used to express general truth and facts?
(a) Present continuous Tense
(b) Present Perfect Tense
(c) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
(d) Present Indefinite Tense
Ans – D
8. The council made its decision.
(a) have
(b) have had
(c) has
(d) having
Ans – C
9. What is the right way to make notes?
(a) Write in complete sentences
(b) Write in points with headings and subheadings
(c) Write everything in the form of paragraph
(d) Write in narrative form
Ans – B
10. Which of the following is not an important summarization technique?
(a) Selection
(b) Rejection
(c) Substitution
(d) Addition
Ans – C
11. Why did Professor Gaitonde go to town hall?
Ans. He went to Town Hall because there was a library housed in it. He wanted to do some research in the history. He had been experiencing a unique experience in which history was different from reality
12. What message does the dramatist of “Mother’s Day” try to convey?
Ans. The play is a protest against the inferior treatment of women in the family and demands that mothers should be seen as equal to their male counterparts while depicting the importance of the role they play in our lives. It forces the women to think and come out of the self-denial of their situation.
13. Who was Professor Gaitonde? What was his plane in Bombay?
Ans. Professor Gaitonde, also known as Gangadharpant, was a historian who published five books on the subject. His investigation was ongoing. Meanwhile, on his way to Bombay, he decided to visit a large library and peruse historical books to learn about the current condition of events.
14. Who was Mrs. Fitzgerald ? What did she advise Mrs. Pearson?
Ans. Mrs Fitzgerald is Mrs Pearson’s neighbour and friend. A fortune teller, who had learnt the art from the East, she tells Mrs Pearson that her fortune could turn either way. With effort and counsel, the situation would swing in her favour. She advised her to assert herself as the boss of the house.
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Answer Key 14 December
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Answer Key 14 December
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Answer Key 14 December
JAC Board Class 11th English Core Weekly Test Answer Key 14 December
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दोस्तों आज की इस आर्टिकल में, मैं आप सभी को English Core वीकली टेस्ट के लिए Answer Key को सॉल्व करके दिया हूं I जिससे आप Exam में तहलका मचा सकते हैं I अगर आज का यह आर्टिकल अच्छा लगा तो अपने दोस्तों के साथ इस आर्टिकल को जरुर शेयर करें और नीचे कमेंट करके बताएं कि और आपको क्या चाहिए I