JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution

JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution – दोस्तों आज की इस पोस्ट में हम लोग JAC Class 12th English Core का मॉडल पेपर को सॉल्व करने वाले हैं l

JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution

JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution

45. Write an article on ‘Climate Change’ or ‘Women Empowerment in about 80-100 words.
Ans. Climate Change – Climate is referred to the weather conditions of a region, which include temperature, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds. These weather conditions prevailed for years. The change in these weather conditions is defined as Climate Change. The climatic change affects not only the living beings but also impacts the ecosystem of the earth. Many species have gone extinct due to climate change and some others are in queue to suffer.
Women Empowerment – Empowering the women to take the important decisions for their personal development is called women empowerment. It is to make the women independent in all aspects of life be it mind, thoughts and making the right decisions without the societal and family restrictions. Empowering womer is to bring equality in the social order in which men and women are both equals in all areas. For a country to have a bright future, society and family to flourish, women empowerment is essential. In ancient India women weren’t treated the same way the men were, so in order for the country to develop, women must be given equal status as men.
46. What happened to William Douglas at YMCA when he was eleven years old?
Ans. A misadventure at the YMCA pool wherein Douglas was thrown into the deeper end of the pool by a big boy made Douglas afraid of water. He went down into the water three times but failed to come up. Though he was ultimately saved, a terror of water developed in him as his lungs filled with water.
47. Why did M. Hamel put on his special dress.
Ans. Hamel was a French teacher and that day was going to be his last French lesson at the school. So he dressed in his best Sunday clothes to mark this special occasion.
48. What do the parting words “see you soon Amma of the poetess and her smile signify?
Ans. The parting words of the poetess and her smile signify her pain and fear of losing her mother. She tries to put on a brave front by hiding this fear behind a smile. All she can say to her mother before she leaves is, ‘See you soon, Amma’.
49. What did Charley claim for in ‘The Third Level?
Ans. Similar is the case with the story The Third Level where Charley believes in the existence of a third level though only two had ever been built. He is so sure of the existence of the third level at the Grand Central Station that he gets his money exchanged to the old currency.
50. Why do rural people make roadside stands?
Ans. The folk who had put up the roadside stand pleaded to the city dwellers to stop and buy their wares so as to enable them to earn some extra money for a decent living. They wanted that the rich people who passed from there in their cars should stop there and buy some goods from them.
51. In what conditions do the bangle makers of Firozabad live? Why can’t they come out of the state of poverty?
Ans. The bangle-makers lead their life in utter miseries and grinding poverty. They could never prosper working in this industry. In her lesson, the writer points out that the bangle-makers of Firozabad live in the state of grinding poverty. These people are burdened the stigma of caste in which they are born.
52. How did Dr Sadao help the American soldier?
Ans. Dr. Sadao offered his personal boat with food and extra clothing to the American soldier when he left his house. He then advised the soldier to go to a nearby island where no one lived and escape from there by boarding a Korean fishing boat.


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Model Paper


दोस्तों आज की इस पोस्ट में हम लोग झारखंड एकेडमिक काउंसिल के द्वारा जारी किया गया मॉडल प्रश्न पत्र को बहुत ही अच्छे ढंग से सॉल्व किए हैं I अगर आज का पोस्ट अच्छा लगा तो अपने दोस्तों को इस पोस्ट को जरुर शेयर करें और नीचे कमेंट करके बताएं कि और आपको क्या चाहिए I

FAQs Question 

1. JAC Board Class 12th Exam Date 2024

Class 12th Exam Date 2024 JAC Board 6 February To 26 February

2. How did Dr Sadao help the American soldier?
Ans. Dr. Sadao offered his personal boat with food and extra clothing to the American soldier when he left his house. He then advised the soldier to go to a nearby island where no one lived and escape from there by boarding a Korean fishing boat.


JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution

JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution

JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution

JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution

JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution

JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution

JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution

JAC Class 12th English Core Subjective Model Paper 2024 Full Solution




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